Dosen Program Studi Paramedik Veteriner Sekolah Vokasi (SV) IPB University, menjadi salah satu narasumber pada kegiatan OIE Virtual Regional Awareness Raising Workshop on Veterinary Workforce and VPPs, beberapa waktu lalu.
Drh Desianto Budi Utomo, PhD selaku Vice President PT Charoen Pokphand Indonesia jelaskan keunggulan peternakan ayam broiler model closed house pada peserta Summer Course Sekolah Vokasi IPB University, (12/7). Drh
College of Vocational Studies – IPB University (SV-IPB)Proudly present International Webinar“Implementation of Information Technology in Smart Farming for Smallholders Farmers” As part of 2021 SV-IPB International Summer Course on Smart
Panen Raya Ayam Modern Closed House SV-IPB oleh Rektor IPB University, Dirjen Pendidikan Vokasi Kemendikbud Ristek RI, Dekan SV-IPB University, dan Business Unit Head Kemitraan PT Charoen Pokphand Indonesia Rektor
SV-IPB Proudly Presents International Webinar SV IPB the series: Road to Summer Course SV IPB 2021 with the theme “Mission possible: to be an excellent student in the new normal
XLFL believes that one day, Indonesian leaders will proudly uphold their cultural values as well as exemplify global standards of excellence. We do this through various initiatives: the program for
College of Vocational Studies IPB with support from the International Collaboration Office of IPB, We would be pleased to invite you to attend on Webinar series 15th and 16th: “Smart
Program Studi Manajemen Informatika pada masa pembelajaran jarak jauh akibat adanya pandemik Covid-19 tetap berupaya untuk memberikan wawasan tambahan kepada mahasiswa khususnya terkait dengan softskill, wawasan industri, dan kewirausahaan. Salah