Protection of world heritage sites is an activity that anyone can do, both those around the site and people around the world. This has become the spirit in holding the Public Lecture of the Informatics & Management Study Program. Bogor Agricultural University Vocational School Ecotourism with the theme “Community Empowerment and Branding Support Program in World Heritage Sites” together with UNESCO Jakarta on February 14, 2022. The online activity was attended by 234 people, consisting of students and lecturers of the Informatics Study Program, university students and lecturers of the Ecotourism Study Program, the UNESCO Jakarta Culture Unit team, as well as representatives from Kita Muda Kreatif, a program for empowering creative young entrepreneurs from UNESCO Jakarta.
This public lecture invited Ms. Diana Setiawati as Project Coordinator for Kita Muda Kreatif and Mr. Rizky Fardhyan as Project Assistant from the UNESCO Jakarta Culture Unit who gave lectures on Empowerment Programs Communities at World Heritage Sites. While the lecture on Branding at World Heritage Sites was delivered by Fabian Pamor Putranto, as Branding and Digital Marketing Expert of Kita Muda Kreatif and Founder of Locomotion ArtStudio. The 3-hour lecture moderated by Ms. Amata Fami, MDs and Mr. Nuraulia Muhibar, MA, provided many new perspectives on what world heritage is, and how community empowerment takes place around the area, as well as how branding efforts can be one of the how to maintain the sustainability of world heritage sites.
“This world heritage site is the only one, and cannot be moved. Even other countries also recognize that this heritage has important value and is recognized by mankind in the current and future generations. So we need to find a way to protect the world heritage site, because if it is damaged then there is no replacement and the current condition is threatened with many things.” said Mr. Rizky Fardhyan.
In tackling this threat, various steps are needed to involve many parties to protect the world heritage, including activities in the Borobudur area which is a UNESCO world heritage site in Indonesia. Starting from the potential mapping program in the Borobudur area, developing creative industry products and cultural products around the world heritage area, to building networks with relevant agencies and partners to help sustain and sustain activities in the area. It is hoped that these steps can increase community empowerment, economic activity, and maintain cultural values that have been owned by world heritage sites.
“UNESCO Jakarta is very open to collaboration to help community development programs. We also thank all of our friends from Information Management SV IPB who will collaborate to create e-books for 20 villages in Borobudur. So this work will help villages in Borobudur to have documentation of activities in their village,” said Diana Setiawati.
The discussion about making e-books was also mentioned by Mr. Fabian Pamor Putranto in the third session. The discussion raised is how to make branding, which will be related to the e-book developed by students about villages in Borobudur. Starting from understanding branding, the reasons for branding, how to make good branding to maintaining the values built by brand owners in their practices. With interesting materials, the public lecture was very lively and the chat column was continuously flooded with responses from students who answered questions from resource persons.
“Cooperation activities with UNESCO provide positive benefits for lecturers and students to implement the real use of technology in project-based learning, besides that this activity can be expanded to provide direct benefits to the community, especially in the Borobudur area as one of the cultural centers in Indonesia. which must be preserved especially with a touch of information technology.” said Mrs. Sofiyanti Indriasari, M.Kom as Head of the Informatics Study Program of SV IPB.
“Knowledge about world heritage is very important for students, especially for Ecotourism students to continue to develop tourism in sustainable world heritage areas by involving the community around the area. Hopefully this knowledge can provide new perspectives for students .” said Mrs. Kania Sofiantina Rahayu S.I. Kom, M.Par, MTHM. as Head of the Informatics Study Program of SV IPB.
The presence of UNESCO in this public lecture is part of a series of collaborations between the Informatics Management Study Program and the IPB University Vocational School Ecotourism Study Program in the fields of education, research, and community service in the even semester of the 2021/2022 academic year. Collaboration is presented in the form of an E-Book program for 20 borobudur villages which will be implemented in the Graphic Design Application course in the Informatics Management Study Program.
Willy Bachtiar, S.IKom, M.IKom
Commission for Public Relations, Social Media, and Alumni of SV IPB University
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