As a form of appreciation for the work of E-Books that highlight villages in Borobudur, UNESCO Jakarta collaborated with the College of Vocational Studies IPB University to hold an online Appreciation of the Work of E-Book 20 Villages in Borobudur on Saturday, June 18, 2022. This activity is part of the Graphic Design Application Course at the Informatics Management Study Program, SV IPB University, in collaboration with the UNESCO Jakarta Cultural Unit. This appreciation was attended directly by Mrs. Moe Chiba, Head of Culture Unit, UNESCO Jakarta, Dean of the College of Vocational Studies IPB University, Prof. Dr. Ir. Arief Darjanto, M.Ec, and the Sub-district Head of Borobudur, Mr. Subiyanto, S.H, M.M
The collaboration of making E-Books from 20 villages in Borobudur is one of the efforts made to preserve the potential that exists in Borobudur District, as one of the World Heritage Sites in Indonesia that is protected by UNESCO. Preservation of the various potentials they have needs to be carried out in order to be able to empower the community to be more independent both in cultural and economic development. So UNESCO Jakarta collaborated with the College of Vocational Studies IPB University in updating data on the potential of Borobudur Village, through the creation of an E-Book which was held in March – June 2022. This process also involved other collaboration partners, namely the Indonesian Tangguh Innovation Association (InTI), CV Bawah Sadar Creative Media (CVBS), Village Governments in Borobudur, Regional Owned Enterprises (Bumdes) of Borobudur villages, and communities in the Borobudur area.
“The 20 villages in Borobudur certainly have their own uniqueness, so they (the visitors) will be interested in visiting all of these villages, and not only in places close to the monument (Borobudur Temple). This is the reason why this E-Book is so important.” said the Head of the UNESCO Jakarta Culture Unit, Mrs. Moe Chiba.
The process of making the E-Book begins with reference to the results a village potential study program that has been implemented by InTI by involving local facilitators in 20 villages in the Borobudur District during March-April 2022. This mapping activity by InTI resulted in updating of village potential data and a new narrative on the potential of 20 villages used by IPB for the E preparation process. -Books. The technique of making E-Books in the Graphic Design Application course itself uses a collaborative learning process that runs for 7 weeks of meetings led by Amata Fami, M.Ds. 116 students were actively involved which were divided into 20 groups, as well as supervisors from the Informatics Management Study Program, Ecotourism, and Computer Engineering. Guidance and production are also supported by CVBS who conduct direct consultations with the best teams selected from voting for student work during lectures.
In the Appreciation of E-Book Works in Villages in Borobudur, the process involved in making the E-Book, learning outcomes from the collaboration program, as well as voting from all parties will determine the Favorite E-Book. The e-book “Let’s Explore Karanganyar Village” became the first winner and favorite winner in this activity. While the E-Book “Sambeng Village, Fishing Village Without Boats” won the second place, followed by the E-Book “Let’s Explore Candirejo Tourism Village” as the third winner.
“We really appreciate UNESCO and SV IPB for making E-Books of Borobudur villages, as a start to make Borobudur more colorful and not only visiting Borobudur, but also visiting tourist villages around Borobudur.” said the Camat of Borobudur, Mr. Subiyanto, S.H, M.M.
This activity is expected to be an opportunity to support each other in cooperation in the fields of education, research, and community service together with UNESCO Jakarta and the College of Vocational Studies IPB University, so that good cooperation can occur now and in the future. So that the progress of education and the application of science can be felt directly by the community, through collaborative works that are fostered together.