Webinar Facilitating Sustainable Agriculture and Consumption Opens College of Vocational Studies IPB University Summer Course

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Vice Chancellor for Education and Student Affairs IPB University Prof. Dr. Ir. Drajat Martianto, M.Si gave an opening speech appreciating the implementation of the Summer Course by the academic community of College of Vocational Studies IPB University

College of Vocational Studies IPB University has successfully held another event  series of Summer Course  in 2022 this. As a series of opening Summer Course  a webinar was held on Monday 27 June 2022 with the theme The role of a food system planner: Facilitating sustainable agriculture and consumption. More than four hundred participants participated in this webinar. They come from several universities, namely Guimaras State University, Tarlac Agricultural University, Iloilo Science and Technology University, Mariano Marcos State University, Jerantut Community College, Vietnam National University of Agriculture,  Universitat de Girona, Simon Fraser University, Nagoya University, Kasetsart University, Sungai Petani Community College, Maritime University of Panama, Polbangtan Bogor, Pangkep Polytechnic and Banyuwangi Polytechnic.

In this webinar, the first vice chancellor, Prof. Dr. Ir. Drajat Martianto, M.Si gave an opening speech appreciating the implementation of the Summer Course  by the academic community of College of Vocational Studies IPB University. The Dean of College of Vocational Studies IPB University, Prof. Dr. Ir. Arief Darjanto, M.Ec in his welcome speech hoped that the Summer Course would be implemented  this year went smoothly and we appreciate the committee for preparing the Summer Course optimally. Summer Course  this year it will be held entirely online even though the Covid 19 pandemic has subsided.

Ir. Gatut Sumbogodjati, MM Director of Processing and Marketing of Food Crops, Directorate of Food Crops, Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Indonesia representing Dr. Ir. Suwandi, MM explained about the policy of the ministry of agriculture that supports sustainable agriculture and consumption in Indonesia. Prof. Hiroshi Ehara from Nagoya University Japan had the opportunity to be the first speaker of the webinar. Prof. Hiroshi presented about the Sago plant as a food provider of carbohydrates. He said that Japanese people consume a lot of sago. Sago is one of the food alternatives that saved the Japanese population after the second world war.

The second resource person, Dr. Han Quang Hanh from Vietnam National University of Agriculture explained about the development of agriculture in Vietnam. Throughout the Covid 19 pandemic, Vietnam’s GDP is still growing. Vietnam’s poverty rate will decline by 2.23% in 2021 but many workers are leaving the agricultural sector. The dynamics of agricultural production in Vietnam is divided into 4 periods. Currently in the livestock sector, pig production is Vietnam’s main priority. Some of the challenges of livestock production in Vietnam include diseases, especially in pigs and the overuse of antibiotics, the threat of pollution from intensive livestock activities, and fluctuations in market prices, especially those related to inputs and outputs.

Meanwhile, the third resource person, Hijrah Saputra, S.T, M.Sc, PhD from Conventry University UK, brought material about the importance of technology 4.0 in supporting logistics and food supply chains after the Covid-19 pandemic. This webinar was moderated by College of Vocational Studies IPB University lecturer, Dr. Aidil Azhar, SP, M.Sc.

This activity is the opening event for the collaboration of three (3) Summer Course programs, which include Nutrition, Agriculture and Sustainable Food System in Tropical Countries: Food Security and The Sustainable Development Goals, Sustainability of Tropical Animal Production: One Health for Sustainable Agricultural Production. Facing Post Pandemic Era and Smart Agro-Industry 4.0 In the Tropical Countries: Transforming Agro-Maritime Through Socio-Technopreneur which will be held in June -July for 10 days. It is planned that participants from the three Summer course programs carried out by College of Vocational Studies IPB University are an online expo that will display the output of Project Based Learning (PBL), which is in line with applied science and an independent curriculum launched by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia, in particular. Directorate General of Vocational Education* (PG&ARS)

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