Designing a Microblog with Powerpoint for Graphic Designers

Why This Program is Important to Take?
This training teaches simple but very useful and applicable things in editing images and creating microblogs with applications that are commonly used every day, namely PowerPoint. This training can open new insights in exploring the features contained in powerpoint and use them to be better and creative works. Participants can apply program materials to create a microblog on social media and this microblog can be used as an advertisement or promotion for a product or an invitation to do something.
What is the purpose of this program?
Participants can use the powerpoint application to do photo editing, simple image manipulation and create microblog content on social media and as a supporting competency for graphic designer occupations.
What are The Targeted Competencies in This Program and The Urgency of These Competencies?
Through this training, participants will be able to apply basic design knowledge and work in the context of a design organization (SKKNI Graphic Design, ICT competency unit. DG01.001.01 and ICT. DG01.001.02). This competency is needed especially in the challenges of the digital era and industry 4.0 currently requires graphic design content that is creative but easy to learn, which can later be used for content on social media, learning content, or digital marketing.
What are the Occupations/Referral Competencies in This Program?
This training is a supporting competency for the graphic designer occupation. Referring to IndoTask, this supporting competency includes supporting technical skills, while the graphic designer occupation refers to the 2014 KBJI with position code 2166.03. Other types of jobs that are suitable after completing this training include: simple image editor, marketing, simple graphic designer, and of course in general can provide benefits to participants to support other types of work that require design.
Who Can Join This Program?
This training can be attended by general high school graduates or equivalent who have learned to use basic power point applications for presentations, have an account on Instagram and have a computer or laptop. The difficulty level of this training is beginner level/basic level.
About The Facilitator
Walidatush Sholihah, S.Si, M.Kom (pelatih utama) (main trainer) is a lecturer in the Computer Engineering Study Program of the Vocational School IPB with more than 12 years of experience. The subjects taught are Mathematics, Multimedia Engineering and Linear Algebra. Join the Powerpoint Bengkelslide and Painting Slides With Heart (MSDH) community and be active in creating content using Powerpoint. Experienced in collaborating with institutions both public and private in community service activities in the field of multimedia and online learning. Contribute and be a consultant in LMS development in public schools in Bogor.
LinkedIn profile link:
Sofiyanti Indriasari, SKom, MKom is a lecturer at the Informatics Management Study Program – Vocational School IPB who has more than 10 years of teaching experience. The courses taught are Software Engineering and Information Management Systems. Has experience as a BNSP competency assessor for Junior Web Programmers for 3 years, has good communication with certification as a professional counselor, and has experience working with government/private institutions for community service programs in terms of contributing to mentoring web and product design production activities multimedia used for public services and commercial projects.
LinkedIn profile link:
Alamat & Kontak
KAMPUS BOGOR – Jl. Raya Pajajaran, Kota Bogor, Jawa Barat 16128
KAMPUS SUKABUMI – Jl. Sarasa No. 45, Babakan, Kec. Cibeureum, Kota Sukabumi, Jawa Barat 43142
- (0251) 8376845