Reviewing the Implementation of the Vocational MBKM, the Deputy for Human Development and Culture of the Cabinet Secretariat of the Republic of Indonesia Visits the College of Vocational Studies IPB University

Bogor, 17 December 2021 – College of Vocational Studies IPB University received a visit from the Deputy Team for Human Development and Culture, Cabinet Secretariat of the Republic of Indonesia. This visit was carried out in the Meeting Room of the Delta Building, College of Vocational Studies IPB University, attended by the Head of Higher Education, Hendra Wati Soesabdo; Head of Sub-Division of Higher Education Quality Improvement Tri Eka Sunarti  Dewi, S.IP; Analysis of People’s Welfare in the Sub-sector of Higher Education Resource Development; Legal Analysis in the Sub-Sector of Higher Education Quality Improvement Jufry Hasiholan Manurung, S.H.; The Dean of the College of Vocational Studies IPB University, Dr. Ir. Arief Darjanto, M.Ec; Deputy Dean for Resources, Cooperation and Development of the College of Vocational Studies IPB University, Dr. Ir. Wawan Oktariza, MSi; Chair of the College of Vocational Studies IPB University Senate Dr Daisy Tambajong, MSc; Head of College of Vocational Studies IPB University LSP Dr. Wonny Ahmad Ridwan, MM; Chairman of the Quality Assurance Commission Yudith Vega Paramitadevi and Ms. Fany Apriliani, SE., MT, Chairman of the Commission for the World Business Industry, Dudi Firmansyah, S.Pt., M.Sc. and Chairman of the Public Relations and Alumni Commission Willy Bachtiar, M.IKom.

The Independent Vocational Campus Independent Learning Program which was launched on May 25, 2021 by the Minister of Education, Culture, Research and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia is the government’s effort to accelerate the development of Vocational education. Link and Super Match between IDUKA and Vocational Higher Education continues to be improved in order to build a mutually supportive ecosystem between the two.

Support for the policy of vocational independence, universities are directed to be able to produce graduates who are skilled, competent, competitive, and have character in accordance with the needs of DUDI and support the government’s plan in realizing quality human resource development.

In his speech and presentation, the Dean of the IPB Vocational School conveyed various things that have been and will be done in an effort to develop the IPB Vocational School to continue to be the main choice in accordance with its tagline To Be The Premier Choice for Higher Vocational Education in the midst of people’s views that still consider vocational education as second class education, so Vocational Education really needs rebranding. The IPB Vocational School continues to strive to get closer to Industry, also supporting the Directorate General of Higher Education program, namely Link & Super Match between PTV and IDUKA through the preparation of a curriculum with IDUKA, Competency Certification through LSP and Industry, the development of Teaching Factory such as the Modern Closed House which is a grant from the West Java Provincial Government and is jointly managed through Cooperation with PT Charoen Pokphand Indonesia, Modern Green House, TEFA Aquaculture, Entrepreuneurship Teaching Center, and Agribusiness Cooperative SV-IPB.

In addition, in the implementation of MBKM which has been carried out so far with the Dual System model, Vocational Schools in collaboration with Sinarmas, Minamas, Sugar Group Company, Kapal Api, Sampoerna Agro with a scheme of students taking 3 semesters of education on campus, 2 semesters at the company, and 1 semester back on campus.

Meanwhile, Ms. Hendra Wati Soesabdo in her speech and discussion gave a good impression on the field visit at the IPB Vocational School. “I see the Vocational School as one step ahead in terms of implementing MBKM. There have been many collaborations with the industrial world, especially by holding internships. However, there needs to be clear boundaries between academics and vocational schools so that the implementation of MBKM is effective and on target and there is a need for collaboration with other vocational education providers who are still pioneering so that they can be as good and as advanced as the College of Vocational Studies IPB University.”

The purpose of this visit is to monitor the implementation of vocational higher education in the field. One of them is the College of Vocational Studies IPB University, which has been based on IDUKA and MBKM (independence to learn independent campus). This visit was also carried out to find out the conditions in the field and the obstacles experienced in order to become a policy recommendation for the better. (WB)


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