Bogor, December 29, 2021 – IPB University Vocational School received a visit from the Bogor Regency Chamber of Commerce and Industry. This visit was carried out at the Executive Lounge of the IPB Vocational School Dean Building attended by the Chairman of the Bogor Regency Kadin, Shinta Dec Checawaty; The Dean of the College of Vocational Studies IPB University, Dr. Ir. Arief Darjanto, M.Ec; Deputy Dean for Resources, Cooperation and Development of the College of Vocational Studies IPB University, Dr. Ir. Wawan Oktariza, MSi; Head of Industrial Management Study Program Ir. Purana Indrawan, MP; Chairman of the Cooperation Commission Dr. Sembada Men, MSc; and Chairman of the Public Relations Commission and SV-IPB Alumni Willy Bachtiar, M.IKom.
In an effort to improve human resources, the Vocational School of IPB and the Kadin of Bogor Regency agreed to sign a Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) in the field of improving human resources, improving the quality of vocational education, increasing the role of IDUKA and increasing job opportunities for alumni.< /p>
In this case, Dr. Ir. Arief Darjanto, M.Ec as the Dean of the College of Vocational Studies IPB University admitted that he is ready to cooperate and improve the quality of human resources.
“I am very happy with the collaboration between us (the vocational school) and the Regency Kadin Bogor. We hope that the graduates can improve in terms of the quality of human resources and can apply the IDUKA approach with students at the IPB vocational school. This is of course in accordance with the appeal from the Directorate General of Vocational Schools, to continue to improve the quality of education, especially vocational education.”
This collaboration is also shown as a form of implementing the Merdeka Learning Campus in accordance with instructions from the Directorate General of Vocational Education. There is cooperation between Industry, the Business World and the Dunik of Work (IDUKA) for vocational students. The goal is that students can get used to the Industrial World so that when they graduate they can immediately work in the industry.
Meanwhile, the Bogor Regency Kadin enthusiastically welcomes the collaboration and is optimistic that the Bogor Regency Kadin can be at the forefront of building the quality of human resources.
“We are very ready to cooperate with the College of Vocational Studies IPB University. Some of the industries under us are ready to become a place for students to learn and practice, especially in this vocational education. In addition to the Field Work Practice activities, we are ready to provide teaching to students related to the situation of the business world. We are ready to create young entrepreneurs who are reliable, trustworthy, and successful.”
Students are faced with many challenges in the world of work and must always be ready to answer these challenges. As well as competition in the world of work, students must prepare their skills even before graduating from the world of lectures. For this reason, collaboration between IDUKA and education units is needed. (SQA)
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College of Vocational Studies IPB University
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