Bogor, February 3rd 2022 – College of Vocational Studies IPB University cooperates with PT KML Ichimasa Foods by signing a Cooperation Agreement. This activity was held in the Executive Lounge of the Dean of the College of Vocational Studies IPB University attended by the Factory Manager of PT KML Ichimasa Foods Eko W. Nugroho; HR Generalist PT KML Ichimasa Foods Deadasa A. Nandiwardhana; The Dean of the IPB Vocational School, Dr. Ir. Arief Darjanto, M.Ec; Deputy Dean of the IPB Vocational School for Cooperation and Development Resources, Dr. Ir. Wawan Oktariza, MSi; Head of Food Quality Assurance Supervisor Study Program Dr. Andi Early Febrinda, STP., MP; Chairman of the IPB Vocational School Cooperation Commission, Dr. Sembada Men and Lecturers of the Food Quality Assurance Supervisor Study Program.
The cooperation agreement is related to improving the quality of human resources, improving the quality of vocational education, and increasing knowledge and insight and skills for students in providing education at the IPB Vocational School.
The Dean of the IPB Vocational School, Dr. Ir. Arief Darjanto, M.Ec stated that this collaboration is a form of commitment from the IPB Vocational School in order to encourage the potential of human resources to suit the needs of IDUKA (Industry, Business and Work).
“This collaboration is a win-win solution and can provide mutual benefits. We as academics also gain knowledge about fish processing which is the expertise of PT KML Ichimasa Foods and of course can increase the competitiveness of the industry and produce human resources whose expertise is closer to the competencies in the industry.”
The forms of cooperation that will be held are in the fields of education, sharing experience, internship, and business processing. This was conveyed by Dr. Ir. Arief Darjanto, M.Ec as the Dean of the IPB Vocational School.
“We hope that with the signing of the Cooperation Agreement, the Vocational School with PT KML Ichimasa Foods will agree to cooperate. Mainly, Vocational Schools can invite PT KML Ichimasa Foods as resource persons for Sharing Experience. Then the second is the collaboration of street vendors, it is hoped that with this collaboration, IPB Vocational School students can carry out internship activities at PT KML Ichimasa Foods. Third, this collaboration provides an opportunity for lecturers to hold industrial internships.”
This collaboration is also beneficial for PT KML Ichimasa Foods because it can develop higher education, especially in the form of project-based learning, as well as train students to be skilled in fish processing and produce vocational graduates who are ready work and according to industry competence. (SQA)
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