College of Vocational Studies IPB University Becomes the Best PTV in the Online Learning Module Facilitation Program of the Directorate General of Vocational Education KEMENDIKBUDRISTEK in 2021

The Dean of the College of Vocational Studies IPB University, Dr. Ir. Arief Daryanto, M.Ec received an award from the Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture’s Directorate General of Higher Education, which was delivered by Dr. Beny Bandanajaya, MT

The Vocational School of IPB University made an achievement of being the Best Vocational Higher Education in the Online Learning Module Facilitation Program organized by the Academic Directorate of Vocational Higher Education, Director General of Vocational Education, Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology in 2021. The award was handed over at an event Launch of the MBKM Curriculum Implementation Guide and Appreciation Online Learning Module at Harris Hotel Bekasi, Monday (13/12). The award was handed over directly by the Director of Academic Affairs for Vocational Higher Education, Dr. Beny Bandanadjaja, S.T., M.T.

“The development of the Online Learning Module was attended by 22 Vocational Higher Education with 131 modules funded by the Directorate General of Vocational Higher Education. This program is an initiation as a standard or example of an online learning module to be continuously developed and implemented by Vocational Higher Education throughout Indonesia.” Beny said.

In his remarks, the Director General of Vocational Education, Ministry of Education and Technology RI, Wikan Sakarinto, PhD said that Link and match 8+i. MBKM which was launched by the Minister of Education and Culture is here to answer the challenge to continue to adapt and be relevant to changes that occur as well as being competitive and of high quality. “The link and match and the benefits of the MBKM policy for students will certainly get wider opportunities to explore their interests and talents while carrying out their education at the Applied Undergraduate Study Program. Meanwhile, graduates are expected to acquire special work skills and relevant soft skills to enter the information society and industry 4.0.” In conclusion.

“This achievement shows  that SV-IPB is at the forefront, has the potential to create online learning modules with the latest technology, namely AR and VR. It is a bridge between the real world and the one developed by Tim. In addition, the development of this online module is suitable for Generation Z.” said Dr. Arief Daryanto, MEc, Dean of the IPB Vocational School.

Some of the modules developed by the team from the IPB Vocational School include Computer Assembly: Power Supply; Coffee Roasting; Augmented Reality Creation Overview (Client Products); Lactation Physiology of dairy cows; Computing Components: Motherboards; Aquatic (Aquatic) Ecosystem Modeling using Augmented Reality; Making Information System Prototypes using Figma, Matrix with Scilab, Data Visualization using Tableau.

Feeling proud and grateful was conveyed by Walidatush Sholihah MKom as the Chair of the Grant Team for the Facilitation of Online Learning Module SV IPB University in 2021. “Proud of the achievements obtained because of having a competent team and solid collaboration, and grateful that the work done can useful for others. A big thank you goes to the Dean of SV Mr. Arief Darjanto and the members of the online learning module team of SV IPB University Sofiyanti Indriasari, Faldiena Marcelita, Inna Novianty, Amata Fami, Medhanita Dewi, Gema Parasti, Ima Kusumanti, M. Iqbal Nurulhaq, Yuni Resti who have helped in the whole process so that together we can achieve the best results. This year, the team made 9 online learning modules in the form of 2 virtual reality applications, 4 augmented reality applications and 3 tutorial applications. The team comes from 5 study programs at SV IPB namely TEK, INF, IKN, PPP and TNK.”

Until this news was published, the event continued with a session of material delivery and discussion with the theme With MBKM Towards an Information Intelligent Society. (WB)


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